Ninth International Conference on Communication & Media Studies

Ninth International Conference on Communication & Media Studies

2024 Special Focus—Images and Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence






Participate as a Presenter

For over 8 years, we’ve offered an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of the role of the media and communications in society. We welcome returning and new members to add their voices to the conversation.

In-Person: In-Person presentations will be delivered onsite. We offer innovative formats for a range of presentation styles. 

Online Only: online presentations will be delivered and viewed online as asynchronous digital media. Online Only presenters also have discussion boards to structure conversations and access to other online activities.

Conference as Archive: we’ll capture and add as much content as possible on the conference microsite. While it’s a requirement for online-only presenters, we strongly encourage in-person presenters to pre-record and upload their presentations to the conference microsite. The conference microsite becomes an archive to which delegates and Research Network members can return anytime.

With this step-by-step guide, we walk you through the new phases pre/during/post-conference to ensure you have a productive conference.

Participate as an Audience Member

Audience Passes are for those who want to benefit from the content, connect with presenters, and join the discussion. Audience members will also be recognized in the program for their participation. We welcome returning and new members to add their voices to the conversation.

In-Person: participate in innovative in-person formats, plenaries, talking circles, garden conversations, and on a human scale. You will also have access to all online-only content.

Online Only: gain access to live and recorded presentations, welcome addresses, plenaries, and curated thematic content — from any place and in your own time.

Conference as Archive: we’ll capture and add as much content as possible on the conference microsite. And you can help here too. If you do not see digital media on a presenter page, you can request it from the presenter. You can also add comments to discussion boards of all content. The conference microsite becomes an archive to which delegates and Research Network members can return anytime.

Publication Opportunities

All accepted proposals are eligible to be submitted to The Journal of Communication and Media Studies. And authors, reviewers, and Research Network members gain subscriber access to the journal.

2024 Important Dates

We welcome the submission of proposals at any time of the year. The dates below serve as a guideline for proposal submission based on our corresponding registration deadlines. All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission.

Proposal Deadlines

Advance Proposal Deadline24 December 2023
Early Proposal Deadline24 March 2024
Regular Proposal Deadline24 July 2024
Late Proposal Deadline24 September 2024

Registration Deadlines

Advance Registration Deadline24 January 2024
Early Registration Deadline24 April 2024
Regular Registration Deadline24 September 2024
Late Registration Deadline24 October 2024

More information:

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